Privacy and Confidentiality


Bee's Diamonds is a strong advocate of personal information protection and privacy of all our customers. From the moment when you contact us, we pledge to ensure exclusivity, client confidentiality and protection of your identity. A majority of our private customers are celebrities and well known professionals who enjoy the enclosed service areas of our studio without being disturbed by outsiders.  Bee's Diamonds protects their identities without disclosing any information to any other third parties.

We may occasionally collect personal data, such as your name, email address and preferences, so to enhance our personalized service for your enjoyment. In such situations where we may utilize your information for the purpose of providing better service, we will not use such data to send you materials of nuisance nature or forward your personal information to any third parties not employed by Bee’s International Group Limited. We are in full compliant of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) of the laws of Hong Kong at all times. We ensure compliance with the standards of security and confidentiality prescribed by the laws of Hong Kong. Should you have any concerns or enquiries as to how we handle your personal data, please contact us at